(暑期優惠)台灣境內 單筆消費滿 NT$2000 即享免運優惠!
Return Policy
- 欲退換貨者請於商品送達七天內提出申請
- 逾期無法提供任何退/換貨服務
- 退換貨運費由買家負擔
- 為維護雙方權益,請買家於拆封商品時錄影,若未能提供錄影檔案,可能影響退換貨之權利
- 請確保商品全新無髒汙,無使用痕跡,未下水、外包裝完整,訂單贈送品、無芳香劑及異味
- 商品如有異味,沾有化妝品,髒污,均不提供退換貨服務
- 請確保退換貨時的產品狀態在若您將商品包裝毀損、吊牌移除,即認同您驗收成功,無法辦理退貨服務
- 因個人因素, ex: 顏色不喜歡、試尺寸、穿出去/使用還申請退貨者,除申請失敗外, 將不再接受訂購
- 團隊收到商品確認無誤後,會於7工作天內協助退回款項
- 如有任合尺寸, 材質上的疑問, 請傳ig 訊息@blvdofgod
- 或是email 給我們greg@blvdofgod.com
Every products we ship are all quality assured, we put lots on efforts into maintaining a high quality standard.
If you are not satisfied with your purchase, write to us and we will provide you with the necessary return shipping information.
You have 7 days from the receipt of your order to return the products. You must retain the receipt of the return shipment until the product is received and refunded by Blvd of God.
Please make sure that all items are returned clean, unworn, with their tags/ cards with the original packaging bags. Any faulty item can be returned. Any non-faulty items that are not in a condition suitable for resale (i.e. washed, soiled, perfumed, or damaged), will not be refunded and be sent back to you.
因每個人的身型皆不盡相同,若不確定自己適合的尺寸,或有任何產品相關的提問,皆歡迎您至 Instagram 傳訊息至 @blvdofgod,或是加入官方帳號做詢問